
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Irish Cream

I'll make this short and sweet. My husband and I enjoy putting a little holiday cheer in our coffee starting at Thanksgiving and ending right after Christmas. This year, I decided to make my own Irish Cream. Totally worth it, and cheaper too! Next up I plan on making homemade Kahlua!

All you need is Irish whiskey, a can of sweetened condensed milk (I considered making this myself, but most recipes called for things like butter, etc. and the ingredients here are just milk and pretty innocent), vanilla, cream, and chocolate syrup (not pictured here, but I used my own). 

Mix it all together and refrigerate! We went through this stuff faster than I care to admit...

Feel free to use organic ingredients...I would if I had them 

Homemade Irish Cream

1 cup heavy cream
1 can sweetened condensed milk
2 T chocolate syrup
9-12 oz Irish whiskey (we used 12, of course)
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix together in a container and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Mix before using each time.

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